741: In the Apple Trust Zone


The ad-supported version of the episode had some weird artifacts after export. I uploaded a fixed version of the file at 6 PM Eastern. You may want to delete the episode from your podcast player and re-download it.


You gents are right about Apple reminders: the user interface feels awkward and there’s too much clicking and tapping.


Thanks for yet another top episode guys!

A great, context aware use of the action button can be found here: MacStories - MultiButton 1.1 Makes the Action Button Change Its Behavior Based on the Currently Open App


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The Better Day app with the date complication David referred to isn’t available in the US App Store. Is this a glitch or is it no longer available?

Same here! :netherlands: (Netherlands)

Just wanted to note on @MacSparky’s Paletro recommendation; if you want to keep it “in house”; ie: using existing tools, I’ve had a pretty great experience with this Alfred workflow that searches the menu bar.
I also have also been toying with Homerow, which is probably more developer focused (not a developer), but it basically assigns a keyboard shortcut to every clickable item in the current app. Obviously dependent on the app, but it helps me keep my hands on the keyboard for sure.

@MacSparky Glad to hear you’re enjoying Every Tool’s a Hammer.

Great point. I’m adding this to the next feedback outline.

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Loved this episode!

For those that want to dive deep into the Action Button, you might find my Automator’s post interesting.

In the post, you’ll see that I use Federico Viticci’s brilliant shortcut, MultiButton; and now I’ve incorporated the Face Down check suggested by @MacSparky.

The Action Button now makes me smile. :grinning:

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Started catching up with Mac Power Users #741, In the Apple Trust Zone podcast. What happened to David and Stephen? They did not sound like themselves.

(1) On battery performance and health, Stephen sounded wistful that his new laptop’s battery registered no higher than 91% capacity. David was uncomfortable about using the AlDente battery management app and worried that it would conflict with Apple’s Battery Health (which can be turned off). And with all their contacts at Apple and in the industry, they had nothing concrete to offer. It was all feelings. It did not seem like they had ever heard of the Battery University web site.

(2) On system backup, they were much less strident than in the past about backing up, especially apps like Notes. They “trust the system” more these days. What happened to the purveyors of plain text?

(3) And they even talked about leaving their iPhones downstairs when going to bed. Does this mean that these mavens of tech still have landlines? How else do they get phone calls in the middle of the night from someone pretending to be one of their children in need of money? :rofl:

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