781: The 2025 Productivity Field Guide


Does anyone know why this keeps happening? This is the pocket casts app.

EDIT: figured out. this is happening because of VPN. had to disable that download the episode. Doesn’t happen on other apps though

Congratulations @MacSparky.

That’s a load of hard work, above and beyond the many hours it took you to do the recordings.

Thanks for sharing your story. I especially enjoyed this episode.


I had this last week with Upgrade. The last episode would not download while my VPN (Tailscale) was on. All previous episodes downloaded without issue, with or without the VPN being on.

MPU downloaded without any issue (both last week and this week) with the VPN on. It just seemed to be a one off issue with one episode of Upgrade last week.

It might be you had a similar one off problem with MPU this week.

One of a very few podcasts I make a point to listen to the day it drops. Looks like I’ll be looking into buying my first field guide. Well done as always, David and Stephen.

Has anyone bought the field guide that had the original also? I’m considering it.

Many of the videos are the same. Updated videos or new videos will be labeled (2025) to make it easier to watch the new videos with needing to revisit the older videos. I counted 17 updated or new videos. I didn’t count the new intro and the thank you video.

The ebooks are a nice touch! I can quickly jump to a section to review some of the material without needing to watch the videos again.


Yes I did even though I never got around to doing the first one. Could not resist the discount.

I’ve started digging in and it is terrific. I don’t buy every Field Guide, but if they strike my fancy they are unbelievable values. I’ve taken some higher priced courses in this space (Linking Your Thinking, The Focus Course) and @MacSparky provides materials that are better.