Add Keyboard Shortcut to a Shortcut on the iPad?

Is there a way to add a keyboard shortcut to launch a Shortcut on the iPad? I’d like a keyboard shortcut for the Reminders Shortcut shown below. I created a keyboard shortcut on the MBP but I don’t see a way to do so on the iPad.

Any help will be appreciated.

Far as I remember, one (the only?) way to do this was to turn on “full keyboard access”—

There are gotchas, however.

Wow, that is great; I did not know that was possible. May I ask what the “gotchas” are before I proceed?

For me:

  • turning on full keyboard access prevents you from using CMD+shift+tab to reverse through the app switcher
  • blue outline on screen while in use


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I know this is an older topic. This works, but the unintended consequence is that you have this blue rectangle highlighting input fields. It also interferes with some keystrokes, like the space key. Does anyone else know of a workaround or perhaps an app that would allow this?