Airplay from AppleTV to an IPad?

I want to view my apple fitness workouts simultaneously on my (Apple) TV and ipad. I can get it to play FROM the iPad to the tv but not the opposite. The image on the tv doesn’t fill up the screen all the way when I do this.
Thanks- I googled it but couldn’t find anything

Here’s what my Google-Fu got me. If you have a newish iPad model you can run the fitness app on device.

Edit: Disregard. I didn’t read that correctly. Have to stop posting so early in the morning…

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If the image isn’t filling up the whole screen, it sounds like you’re mirroring your iPad screen rather than air playing the specific video.

Yes, that is what I’m doing. Can’t get it to airplay and stream simultaneously any other way.

I think I saw this one in a James Bond movie….

Ahh, yes. Apple expects that you’d start the video on your AppleTV if you have one and not that you’d want to start it on the iPad and also airplay. The mirroring way you’re doing it is the only (reasonable) way to accomplish having it on both screens. Sorry!