After updating to Sequoia my Alfred Shortcuts Workflow isn’t fetching any of my Shortcuts when I type in the “sc” keyword. I’ve tried quitting/reopening Alfred as well as reinstalling the Shortcuts Workflow. The Workflow I’m using is the one from Alfred’s gallery found here.
Also, I’m not sure if this is related but none of my Shortcuts that involve HomeKit accessories are able to run when I try to launch them from my mac. Even simple ones like toggling a light. They seems to work find on my iPhone and iPad (both running on iOS 18).
Anyone else running into this kinda issue? Thanks for the help.
I’m having this problem as well. After upgrading to Sequoia, the Alfred Workflow by Vítor Galvão will not run for the “SC” keyword. I set up a hotkey to see if that would fix the issue, but it did not. After typing the hotkey, the Shortcuts/Getting Shortcuts… words flash on the screen for a split second.
Read the FAQ in the relevant thread and if that doesn’t help do post in the thread (complete with the relevant information mentioned in the FAQ) and I think you’ll find Vitor will ride rapidly to your rescue.
When I did some Workflow videos for ScreenCastsONLINE I was able to get Vero to send through some tips for users that encounter any issues with workflows not running. I’ll just paste below as I’m on mobile travelling, and if they help, then great
> More generally though, if a user is unable to run a Gallery workflow, it’s likely to be one of two things:
> 1. Check the Dependencies (main section of that link above) as they may need a scripting language installed, which Alfred’s Dependencies Manager will take care of for them >
> 2. Make sure their Automation Tasks are up to date (Automation Tasks - Alfred Help and Support) as a lot of workflows use ATs as building blocks, and we often add them when users suggest a useful new AT they need. >
> Feel free to direct anyone who gets in touch with you to our forum ( and I’ll give them a hand