Any chance utility to save/reset/show screen brightness on macOS exists?

Maybe I’m too far down the dark hole…

I’ve started using a screen calibrator to adjust my monitor.

I’m using Calibrite, and its arguable whether it is really needed, makes any difference for most use cases, or is a placebo, but …

After calibrating the screen, the brightness is set much lower than I prefer for non-photographic use.

If I change the brightness with the macOS brightness control, I need to change it back to the calibrated level or the calibration is for naught.

Would love a utility that would provide a one-click save or restore of the monitor brightness setting.

Yes, I could take out the calibrator for a quick re-measure, but not really practical as I switch between photo editing and other tasks frequently.

(Yeah, I’ll probably just estimate the levels and switch back and forth without a care soon, but curious if there is any objective solution.)

I think you could pull it off with BetterTouchTool, it has multiple ways of tweaking brightness settings:

The Set Display Brightness one is the obvious choice, but it looks like it (for whatever reason) only sets the brightness of the display the mouse is on if that’s an issue for you (with multiple monitors). But it does the setting in percentage points, so presumably you could set it to any value.

I don’t see a get/set brightness.

That’s the challenge - being able to record the current brightness and then reset to that value.

Up/down changes are only reliable if starting from a known brightness point.

I faced the same challenge with TV remote programming, but fortunately most have a “go to channel xyz” in addition to “channel up” and “channel down”.

Monitor brightness doesn’t seem to have an absolute get/set option?

Not sure this why help, but how I do it:

I don’t calibrate my screen, but I use a different preset to do photo editing. My regular monitor profile (Apple Display P-600 nits) with True Tone on and a lower brightness, and then I have an edited preset for photography with Two Tone off and a higher set brightness (Apple Display P3 D65 Photography). It’s not quick, but it’s easy enough to change for my once a week photo editing session.

I used this guys video:


I has been a while since I watched his videos. I’ll re-watch over the weekend and see if it might help.

FYI - I got an official answer from Calibrite tech support - they said I should plug in their calibrator and perform a quick Luminance adjustment and not a full calibration.

Duh! Exactly what I am trying to avoid doing - I’ll reply back to them with a simpler description of my question and see if they have any other suggestion.

While not elegant, bettertouchtool could probably move the mouse cursor in a loop to each screen and then return to the original position after setting each displays brightness