Any notebooks users?

It seems like a really cool app that can pretty much replace Evernote?

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It’s a good app. Main downside seems to be that the app doesn’t sync over iCloud (but does work with Drobox [and perhaps other services?].) We discussed it here:

Other similar alternatives include Keep It and Bear, discussed here:

And of course the main cross-platform Evernote competitor is probably Microsoft OneNote

I’ve used Evernote for 11 years. I like some of the others, but it’s hard moving on from EN. My main use case these days is for document storage. Apple notes is very close actually. When iOS 13 ships I may move to it.

I always think of Circus Ponies when I hear an an app named NoteBook(s)… [rip]

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FYI Aquaminds NoteTaker, which has some of the DNA of Circus Ponies Notebook (there were two devs who originally created the original app for the NeXT Computer, then they went their separate ways with similar Mac notebook apps, but with Aquaminds targeting the edu sector) is crawling back from the dead, with a revamped NoteTaker in closed beta for maybe a year and the app ‘coming soon’ - as of two weeks ago the app is "now in the official process of submitting NoteTaker 4 to Apple’s team for review and approval. It may take a couple of weeks or it may be a few days.”

I’m cautiously optimistic about seeing what the app looks like - will it be a DevonThink competitor, or will it continue to exist as a digital representation of a paper notebook? If it’s merely the latter I worry that it’s day may have past … especially with cross-platform apps like Notability already on iOS/macOS the likelihood that Apple’s Catalyst framework will allow other notebook-style apps like GoodNotes to migrate to the Mac too.

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NoteTaker 4 looks interesting. Thanks for the heads-up.

NoteTaker 4 app went live on the Mac App Store on Tuesday, Sept.10 for $29.99. I purchased it and am experimenting now with it. It has bit of a learning curve on how I want to set up & use. Similar to Circus Ponies Notebooks in some ways but somewhat different too. Unfortunately, it does not have an iPad or iOS mobile version … yet. That would be so much more useful.

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I am using ONENOTE. I like it. You can Notebooks, Sections, Pages, and SubPages.

Also I am using NOTES [Apple], I like it also.