Any other "Thrill seekers" out there?

Bracing myself for problems and I should know better, but just downloaded the first betas for iOS 13 and Mac OS Catalina. So far, so good.

Has anyone else downloaded them? What are your thoughts?

I’m waiting for the public beta. I’m contemplating putting a beta on my iPad for the first time.

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I am planning to try out iPadOS when the Public Beta will be available. Maybe, I will wait until the second iteration of the Public Beta.

But I will not wait until “this fall”. The changes to the iPad are way too interesting! :slight_smile:


Yeah I’ve been running them across all devices. Been fine in the main, occasional glitch but nothing earth shattering. The link between my watch and my phone has been temperamental - I’m going to charge and re pair later today.

Catalina has a prompt that I need to sign back into iCloud, won’t let me do it, but actually works with all services fine.

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