Any Way Stop Auto-Sync of Downloads to Music / Photos

Hi Folks,
Hope everyone is well. Whenever I download a music file or video file from a link, it goes into my downloads folder as intended, but then it automatically syncs from the downloads folder to the related app. I work in music, so for example, someone sends me a link to download a track from Wetransfer, or dropbox, I download the track, and then it starts playing automatically in the music app. The same with video files, I will download a video file from a link, and it will add the video file to Photos and sync it over to my iOS devices etc also.

I cannot see a way to turn this off. Any suggestions ?

Many thanks in advance

In Safari settings uncheck “Open safe files after downloading”.

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Perfect, I will give that a try. Many thanks for your help

Sadly, despite deselecting that toggle did not resolve the problem