Anybody got a good way of cleaning the AirPods case?

I am ok with cleaning the AirPods themselves with toothpicks, cotton buds, and patience - but how about the case?

Yeah - use a combination of wet wipes and cotton buds (q-tips). One damp q-tip to clean and one to dry. works a treat.

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Using a regular Kleenex on the exterior and on the larger cavities and a Q-Tip for the pesky corners is, in my opinion, the easiest and fastest way of cleaning them.

Do it once a week and your case will always look clean (unfortunately this is a weekly task due to the fact that the AirPod’s corners and lid lip are extra pesky and grab lint like crazy if you carry them in your pocket).


I’ve added a toothbrush to my arsenal too for a little extra scrubbing muscle.

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I was recently switched onto to using bluetac for both the case and the AirPods. It works great getting into all of the small hard to reach areas and is not abrasive and no water involved. Give it a try.

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I use white tac. Works perfectly. Even cleans the air pods themselves really well.

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