Anyone Using Dropbox Dash?

Has anyone tried Dropbox Dash?

I guess it’s an app launcher like Alfred or Raycast, but connected to cloud content like Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.

In the chat, I asked it why I would want to use it and it replied, “To manage and connect new apps to your Dropbox account, and to speed up work with AI-powered search across all your connected apps.”

I then asked it, “Is Dropbox Dash for MacPowerUsers?” It responded simply, “No.”

Is that true? Would MacPowerUsers use this?

Don’t believe everything an AI tells you! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I got an email from Dropbox encouraging me to download Dropbox Dash for free. I wonder if this is a free trial, or free ongoing.

Excuse my ignorance, but why would I want to connect apps to my Dropbox account?

Does Dropbox Dash add anything to HoudahSpot?