App for Organizing Quotes

:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

Oooo what have you been up to? Exciting!!

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Have you considered a Beta Test (maybe among the MPU Community?) before you hit the App Store with the App?

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Yes, I can do that. I think I’m a week or so away from being at “beta.”

I want to prepare you now that I suspect most people will be disappointed with the feature set at launch. No sync between devices, no import/export, no…I don’t even know what else.

People may also be disappointed with the cost structure.
One-time purchase for the app as-is.
One-time purchase to “unlock” additional local features like import/export.
Small ($0.99/yr) subscription to “unlock” features with ongoing costs, like sync/cloud backup.

I’ll have a poll going at all times to know what feature people want me to work on next (I’ve already listed the two I expect to be at the top of that list). Since I don’t expect this project to make any money - I’m building it for myself to use - building features “for other people” is going to have to pay for itself somewhat.

Huh, usually I just use JSON to be honest. I don’t find it too hard to read, but I find it a lot easier to manually edit than YAML (often I screw up spacing). Here’s the same JSON snippet you gave, but pretty-printed:

        "quote": "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.",
        "source": "Samuel Beckett",
        "detail": "",
        "long": "false"
        "quote": "Make big plans, aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die.",
        "source": "Daniel Burnham",
        "detail": "Seen in CTA Midway station corridor",
        "long": "false"

A few more characters on the screen, but it’s not inscrutable by any means.

Agreed, properly laid out / printed, JSON is very readable.

It’s much harder and less forgiving to write by hand, though, especially if I find a quote I want to add on my phone, where { } and [ ] are kind of a pain, and all the commas are bound to trip me up…

I have been using Notenik for a few weeks and I have been looking for a quotes system. I had not put them together, though, until this thread. I got the quotes imported from a CSV file from Numbers, where I had been keeping them. I got a lot of the tweaking done to get it the way I wanted it and had an epiphany. THERE IS NO iOS APP!!! Since I do a lot of reference to quotes from my phone, that eliminates Notenik as a solution unless there’s a workaround or until there’s an iOS app.

That said, I was just thinking that there might be a way to have an iOS app read the .md files. Obsidian? Then I may as well use Obsidian for the quotes DB.


Oh I’m sure there will be, hopefully someone will drop in with a solution.

I enter quotes on my Mac (if I find them when out and about I store them in an Apple note until I’m back at my desk), but I read them on iOS via DevonThink, which indexes my Notenik folder.

Just use 1Writer to view the folder of md files on iOS

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