App Store Wishlist

My number one most used workflow is by far the Add to Wishlist workflow I made after Apple removed wishlists from the App Store. How does everyone keep track of their app wishlists? Do people still have them?

Even before Apple removed the functionality I switched to AppShopper, it offers Mac apps as well as iOS apps, and can notify you when there are price drops on apps too.


AppShopper is also useful to check on prices of apps since once you download an app you don’t see the price anymore on iOS.

+1 for AppShopper and setting up price alerts for things you’re interested in but not quite ready to pony up the cash for

I use Ceceree, it’s a paid app for mac OS; not very expensive ($3.99 USD). It can create lists from the iOS and Mac App Store and notifies you about pricing changes. It can even import from AppShopper. When I purchased it I didn’t check out AppShopper, which is very good and free. Nevertheless I like Ceceree very much.

I use Apple Notes since the information is stored within the Apple ecosystem and available on all my devices. You can create a Wishlist Note and use the App Store share sheet to create a clickable link for later. I wrote more about how to do this on my website

Ok went down this Rabbit hole.

First off I am calling out BS on Apple saying it is not a useful function. Additionally, the App Store search sucks this is why this wish list function is needed. I use various website’s wishlist functionality to satisfy my impulse buying thoughts and then revisit it a couple of times after having some additional time to think it over. This has eliminated my impulse buying all together.

Well this research took about 3.5 hours but did yield a good workflow.

2nd -1 for App Shopper its search was unable to find Luminar 4 apparently learning the App Store’s bad search capability.

3rd -1 for Ceceree weblink does not work and app not available in App Store

4th -1 DevonThink So how about creating tags in DT3 well sortof halfway look as it immediately tries to open link to App store without displaying content in the content box below. Then also managed to freeze Devon Think Agent.

5th +1 Pocket Ok this works and you can tag selection with wishlist & to_buy tags then filter on tags. I prefer the structure of DT3 and do not like tag implementation in Pocket.

6th -1+1=0 So Using Keep It only worked using Safari as Chrome does not have Share button and Keep It does not have Chrome extension. Tag implementation good but seeing syncing issues between platforms.

7th Evernote +1 Seems to be the best choice. Get around the limitation of only one level of folder structure by adding suffix to the folder name in the case “Wishlist - Apple Mac App Store” The only other limitation is

8th Notion So Notion has a web capture and you can select what database that you want it in. It was able to capture content and URL. So whipping together a quick database

Given Notion’s easy customization, searching/filtering and visual look, I have decided to select Notion as my wishlist consolidator

Pocket was Runner up and Evernote 3rd place.

I am moving more and more workflows into Notion IMHO it is a very flexible system for tracking and tabulation.

When did Apple say it was not useful?

I guess this was an assumption on your part that I ran with. I myself use all these wishlists but like all other info contained on other companies websites, it is best to create your own workflow and list maintenance that I did today.

Chaulk up another good use for Notion which is now becoming a keystone in my workflow:
Maintain Software Application Tabulation
Maintain all Services subscription fees
Maintain Consolidated Shopping Wishlists