A simple method would be to enter the event in the calendar app. I do this whenever I change my water filter, HVAC filters, etc. I also add a reminder for when I plan to change the filters.
For some time I have used Numbers for something like that together with a shortcut on iOS.
Open shortcut
Type the thing you want to track
The shortcut automatically adds the entry at the end of a specific table together with todays date. And a calculating column tracks the time that has past between that entered date and today.
Used it to track when the last time was I went some places
This is quite fascinating. Never thought about something like this. One thing I think about is being sick or when something flares up. Once a week goes by, I have no idea when it actually happened and how long it lasted.
Many good ideas here. I will add things to my calendar that are date-related (as all day events), whatever it may be (some things very trivial but I may want to remember). Examples: “Dec 23-29 Flu”; “Jan 20 Spotted UFO in woods behind house”. I assume that some people use Day One or another diary app to do the same types of things.
I’m currently writing on the item, or printing label and sticking it on dog food container. but I’d like to have some analytics… example: on average it takes 33 days to finish 47 lbs bag of dog food.
or it takes 15 days to finish 20 lbs dog food bag. something with m ore insights.
calendar seems to not work well for this.
Will take look at Hindsight and few others recommended above.
Can’t you look at order history for dog food? I feel like a lot of these might be “tracked for you” via external sources. Though having a central location is nice I suppose.
Order date is not necessary date when I opened the package. I order once every 5 weeks, but sometimes bag lasts 6 weeks, sometimes less. so I want to see an average. Yeah, I know, complicated
But let’s say how long battery lasted in the sensor – that’s more interesting and untraceable by order date.