App to track various stuff

Can you recommend an app that allows you to track various stuff?

For example:

  • Opened a bag of dog food today, 30 days ago, 60 days ago—just to see how long it typically lasts.
  • Replaced the battery in an AirTag—how long does it last?
  • Changed the water filter in the fridge—how often does the fridge remind me it needs replacing?

And so on.

I’d rather not build something like this myself…

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Look at Yonks


A simple method would be to enter the event in the calendar app. I do this whenever I change my water filter, HVAC filters, etc. I also add a reminder for when I plan to change the filters.


I use When Did I?. Simple and free. ‎When Did I…? on the App Store

Erratum: not free, $4.99

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If you call $4.99 “free”, sure.

Sorry! I didn’t see the price listed. I bought it a long time ago.

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I’ve used the “make a calendar event” trick but these days, I just have a “Tracking” document in Apple Notes, haha.


This is surprisingly effective, and you can have a shared calendar with other family members so collaboration is already “built-in”.


I’ve used Hindsight for this.


For some time I have used Numbers for something like that together with a shortcut on iOS.

  • Open shortcut
  • Type the thing you want to track
  • Done-

The shortcut automatically adds the entry at the end of a specific table together with todays date. And a calculating column tracks the time that has past between that entered date and today.

Used it to track when the last time was I went some places :blush:


This is quite fascinating. Never thought about something like this. One thing I think about is being sick or when something flares up. Once a week goes by, I have no idea when it actually happened and how long it lasted.

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Many good ideas here. I will add things to my calendar that are date-related (as all day events), whatever it may be (some things very trivial but I may want to remember). Examples: “Dec 23-29 Flu”; “Jan 20 Spotted UFO in woods behind house”. I assume that some people use Day One or another diary app to do the same types of things.

Yup, I use NotePlan, a good note taking app with a built-in Daily Note and excellent search, not to mention a whole slew of other features.

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I did not know I needed this app.

I don’t know that I will check it daily, but in terms of “seeing” upcoming dates and deadlines, it’s rather useful.

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I just came here to recommend Hindsight. Great app. The watch app makes super quick to record when you did X.

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Calender app. Or write the date on the item.

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I’m currently writing on the item, or printing label and sticking it on dog food container. but I’d like to have some analytics… example: on average it takes 33 days to finish 47 lbs bag of dog food.
or it takes 15 days to finish 20 lbs dog food bag. something with m ore insights.
calendar seems to not work well for this.

Will take look at Hindsight and few others recommended above.

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Can’t you look at order history for dog food? I feel like a lot of these might be “tracked for you” via external sources. Though having a central location is nice I suppose.

Order date is not necessary date when I opened the package. I order once every 5 weeks, but sometimes bag lasts 6 weeks, sometimes less. so I want to see an average. Yeah, I know, complicated :slight_smile:

But let’s say how long battery lasted in the sensor – that’s more interesting and untraceable by order date.