Apple Accessory not supported on iPad Pro

The Apple keyboard/case for my iPad pro, 12 inch model, has stopped working, and returns the message “Accessory not supported.” I’ve cleaned the connection multiple times, rebooted, updated the software. I’ve run out of tricks. Any ideas? It’s pretty frustrating.

Apple recommends that you restart the iPad if it doesn’t recognize the keyboard (source).

You’re not the only one; lots of people seem to have the same problem. Apparently there is even a repair program, but when my Smart Keyboard stopped working I just gave up and bought a Logitech one since my Logitech keyboards never failed me :confused:.

Might want to reset the network settings on your iPad.

The network settings? Where would I do that?

@Brockakers @7marcos7 I have had one Smart Keyboard replaced because of this issue and am about to take the replacement back because it has developed the same problem. I still love the keyboard but it is frustrating that they don’t seem to be robust.

Settings > General > Reset : “Reset network settings”

Take it to an Apple Store. They did a short test on mine, confirmed the “Accessory not supported” problem (which for me developed after about a year of use) and then gave me a new Smart Keyboard.

I had this repeatedly with my 12.9 Pro with smart keyboard. After two Apple Store replacements, I ended up purchasing a logitech bluetooth keyboard and standard iPad smart cover. Frustrating that Apple’s own accessory has such a surprising fail rate on one model, but my 10.5 smart keyboard hasn’t had a single issue. I wonder if they implemented a change in the 10.5 keyboard cover that is not reflected in the 12.9. In talking with the last Apple store employee, it seems to be a known issue on Apple’s end specific to the 12.9 model.

Resetting the network settings worked for me…weird Kluge but then few seconds later it stopped again…ugh!

This happened to me over two years after buying the original iPad Pro keyboard cover. I called Apple and they immediately sent a replacement, even though it wasn’t in warranty (I had to post back the old one in a prepaid envelope).

reser network settings didn’t worked for me, i don’t see the relation between network settings and keyboard issues.

took it to the Genius Bar and was told to reset the device (not network settings, but “reset all”). For me the work to do that is worse than the “not supported” issue (I also get the tone that plays when you plug in the power cord at random; Genius suggested both could be software as hardware checked out with no errors). This is my second Smart Keyboard on the original 9.7" iPad Pro.

Usually I can get the Smart Keyboard back by going to home screen, closing the cover and then opening the cover and immediately setting the iPad up with the keyboard exposed, and then going to an IOS native app (e.g. Notes). But not always. A reboot has worked when the first method does not…ymmv. At any rate, it’s not only the 12.9 models that have issues, I would say.