I’m wanting to create an all-day event on 7/4 to remind myself of something but that day already has an all-day event. I don’t know how to do this with the mouse. There’s no room to click in the all-day section without clicking on the event that’s already there and the right-click menu doesn’t offer an option either. I end up double-clicking on an open day to create an event and then dragging it over. Is there another way?
Also, you can use natural language to create an all day event. Just click the + button, enter the information and add “Today” at the end. This makes it an all-day event.
I think you can only do this because you have a space to click in. Does this work for you when there is no available vertical space in the all day section?
That would require NLP for me to get the date I’m intending. It’s a workable solution, but I’m wondering about a click-on-the-day mouse solution, specifically, for this use case.
You are correct, if there is no space this can’t be done by clicking in that area but I highly recommend the + button and adding “today” at the end of the event description. This is just as easy and works great.
I wish there were another way. For this specific example, I was wanting to click and drag a week-long reminder from Monday to Friday for a date range a couple of weeks out, and then I wanted to right-click and change the calendar from the default one set in adding a quick event.
Is there a way to specify which calendar to use in the quick add?
If you drag the separator beow the all-day section of the calendar down, space is created in the all-day section that can then be. used to add the multi-all-day event. If you don’t drag the separator far enough down, it just springs back to its original position.
Hope I have understood your requirement correctly and that this helps.
It might be one of my stupid questions, but you have to open the field to create the event anyway, so why do you not just mark the field above the data/time entry that says “All day” (or something similar in English)?
And the Field to create the entry could be open by hitting just somewhere within the calendar, if it is the right day, you already have even the date preset.
Actually, Apple Calendar is good at natural language processing. Not as good as Fantastical, but good. It just takes a little practice (and reading the support page) to master the preferred syntax.
Natural language entries are not working for me on Fantastical and Apple Cal, because I haven’t figured out a way to fill all required fields on that way. It makes no sense to me to use that “feature“, and then to have to fill out the blanks anyway.
But this was not the question in that thread.
If you are clicking on the cal to make the entry, you just can also click on that little checkmark to get the Daylong event set. And the Natural language entry even seems to have „daylong“ as the standard setup, at least when I try to enter something this way.
I agree if there is a need for a lot of detail in the entry. I’m thinking more of simple events like “write report” or “call Bob”. If location, URLs, notes, etc., are needed, you are correct, one has to enter all of that mannually.
are more tasks for me, I have in Omnifocus rather than in Calendar.
But it started for me e.g. with the location I can’t add (at least in most cases) to a Cal-Event on that way, and so on.
It is a system break, if I start with an entry with natural language, just to be forced to revert to the “normal” way to do an entry, and therefore I, in most cases, do it the “traditional way”. Much quicker for me, than to stumble, and have to revert and delete the mistakes made by the system.
It is for me as well, I was only creating an example. I should have probably used “Meet with Bob.”
“Call Bob” would be a task in Reminders as would “write report”. However, I would have “write report” also on the calendar if I scheduled it to work on it during my morning deep work block.
In this case, I’m just putting a note so I consider it when I am scheduling other things. I don’t need any extra info. A double-click and typing the name is all that’s needed.