Apple Investing Heavily in Generative AI

Apple’s research and development spending also hit $22.61 billion for the fiscal year so far, about $3.12 billion higher than at this point in the previous year.

Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook told Reuters in an interview that the increased R&D spending was in part driven by work on generative artificial intelligence, the same field that is driving spending at other big technology companies. “We’ve been doing research across a wide range of AI technologies, including generative AI, for years. We’re going to continue investing and innovating and responsibly advancing our products with these technologies to help enrich people’s lives,” Cook said. “Obviously, we’re investing a lot, and it is showing up in the R&D spending that you’re looking at.”

It still shocks me when Journalists think the Apple isn’t planning their technological Roadmaps years out in advance. Perhaps “think” is the wrong term as it doesn’t harm them in any way too opine out loud that Apple might be behind in the latest arms race of the year.

Right now with gAI we’re in the “throw it up against the wall and see what sticks” phase.

No it doesn’t. Apple might be behind in the latest arms race of the year. It’s not likely but we just don’t know. Their secrecy policy cuts both ways.

At the enterprise level things are different. I was blown away when I watched the NVDIA keynote at Computex 2023. (2 hours)

They showed a demo of an entirely digitalized smart factory running remotely in a browser. (2 min)

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Thank you I’ll watch it when I have time.

As a lifelong fans of computing technology i’m never in fear of the technology and only in fear of the people behind the technology. It’s the application of technology that matters and we are accountable for making it a net positive.

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Well this may be the worst take on Apple and AI this year.

Microsoft shuts down Cortana, Apple should do the same with Siri

For Tech Blogs there’s no such thing as a bad article unless the ad impressions don’t live up to expectations.

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Once upon a time 9 to 5 Mac was a news site. Now it is a clickbait farm. I stopped visiting some time ago. Seems I made the right decision, as they continue to be a leader in the race to the bottom.


Thank you because I thought it was just me being sensitive but I’ve seen the frequency in which they post what I consider pure clickbait nonsense increase over the last few years.

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The article is definitely clickbait. But functionally Siri probably ranks dead last behind the Google Assistant and Samsung’s Bixby. And even Alexa, if Amazon had a smartphone.

IMO Apple doesn’t need to shut down Siri. It needs to worry less about memojis, etc. and build a modern digital assistant. Siri isn’t AI but most people think of it that way. No wonder they think Apple is falling behind in the technology.