Apple Notes - tags

Hi all. A quick question re the iOS 15 addition of tags in Apple Notes…do they relate/link in any way to Finder tags?

So if I have a tag in Finder for ‘Work’ (which then shows everything tagged as Work), will it show all Apple Notes tagged as #work?

I don’t think so. At least I have seen nothing that points to that direction.

I’ve been asking for this for years. Finder, Notes, Reminders, Mail, Calendar… they should all share a common tag system. But they don’t.


Disappointing :unamused: When I saw the format of the Notes tags I didn’t hold out much hope.

I’d prefer to have areas kept discrete - DT’s tagging system actually works nicely b/c you can limit tag search by database.

A couple of observations:

  • you can create Smart Folders by tag in iPad OS 15
  • you can tag notes in Big Sur and open them in iPad OS 15 but you need to add a space after the tag before iPad OS 15 recognizes them as tags
  • the latest version of this Alfred workflow will search iPad OS 15 tags on Big Sur despite them not being formally supported (as tags, not as hashtag text):

Please could someone with MacOS beta post some screen shots of the tagging working in Notes. It would be useful to see what they look like and how it works. (or any links to this info elsewhere would be appreciated) Many thanks.

I’ve made a few by typing #whatever in a few notes. Tags are automatically sorted into alphabetical order on the sidebar. All Tags lets you see only notes that have a tag. You can click one tag to see the notes with it. You can click multiple tags and it’ll only show notes with both, not with either tag.

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incidentally the new smart list tag interface in iPadOS Reminders is almost exactly the same as in Notes:

Many thanks @cornchip. Very helpful.

Has anyone tried importing from Evernote into the Notes beta to see what happens to EN tags?

Based on the example above, tags are actually stored inside the note text, not as separate metadata in Notes. Presumably this means tags would not be converted to Notes style and appended to the note? I wonder how the import handles it.