This is not a call for help, I’m just curious to understand what’s going on here: I’ve long stopped carrying any cards with me because Apple Pay never let me down. But today In tried to pay for lunch, my card (via Apple Pay) was declined. Tried a different card. Also declined. I started to suspect that this is not an issue with any of the cards but with apple pay. So I tried a third card and, indeed: also declined. Fortunately, the Take Away place said I could pay next time, but it puzzled me why it wasnt working. Just a few two days earlier, it worked. For a moment, I suspected there might be a problem with their terminal but the next customer paid with Apple Pay no problem.
So, while I was waiting, I looked into Apple wallet and into the details of each card and I noticed that none of them had a billing address. When I tapped “billing address” I was offered two addresses, my work address and my home address (neither of them was selected). Once I selected my home address, the payment went through.
So, to me, it looks like what happened in the last 48 hours or so is that my work address (which I never added as a billing address to any of my credit cards) became a potential billing address for all of my cards and since Apple Wallet didn’t know which address was the correct one, it left the field blank and the absence of a billing address caused the payments to be declined.
If this is correct, then I‘m wondering
what can possibly cause my work address to be pushed into my Apple Wallet as a candidate billing address?
why would the addition of a possible billing address remove the existing billing address for all cards after years of doing its job?-
Some potentially relevant context:
my phone has two esims: one for my private line one for work (paid for and controlled by my employer)
I am still on iOS 17.6.1, so no recent upgrades took place. Also, on my other devices it‘s Sonoma 14.6.1. I can think of nothing that might have triggered anything. Neither can I see how anything my employer or the phone company might do with the sim card could have any affect on Apple Pay. But maybe this is where I‘m going wrong?
The most likely source of my work address is the contact marked as “me”, which has both my home and my work address. But it has has this for years and while it has not always had the “me” tag, the day when Ivadded it is so long ago that I don’t even remember how I did it. Definitely nothing that happened in the past days, weeks, or even months.
I don’t remember when the Apple Wallet app was last updated, but is it possible that the app suddenly decided it needed to consider all addresses in the “me”-contact as potential billing addresses and force the user to select one of them?
I know. Nobody in their right mind thinks about this for a second after the problem has effectively been solved. But since you’re still reading, you’re probably also a nerd. Well, let’s see if we can figure it out.
I checked my Wallet and the correct billing address (my home) was set for each card. Weirdly, however, for any of the non-Apple cards (the Apple card did not provide a list only a text field), while the correct address was selected, there was a long list of possible addresses I could change it to, many of which are not and never have been in my personal contact info. I can see how they all might have been a billing address of sorts, but they are not connected with “me” in contacts. That suggests that your theory about your “me” contact may be incorrect. It seems that Apple Wallet is getting potential billing addresses from some other source.
Actually, it may be getting potential addresses from multiple sources. Included in the list was my work address, which I have never used as a billing address (at least not from my personal devices) and that address is in my “me” contact. But there was also an address that I have used which I only ever would have manually entered as a billing address in Safari. Maybe Safari saved that address for autocomplete purposes and that added it to the list in Wallet?? Not really sure how it got there. It is not selected as the billing address for any of my accounts and it never would have been.
Exactly. Over the past 2 years or so I have made many transactions with Apple Pay using my iPhone (or Apple Watch) and using Safari on a Mac Studio or MacBook Pro. Phone/Watch Apple Pay has worked well but I get occasional denials using Apple Pay on the Mac to make purchases or utility bill payments.
The denied payments are always related to an “incorrect” billing address. A dropdown list of addresses is presented. Scrolling down and choosing another of the addresses presented results in a successful payment. All of the “alternate” addresses presented are variations of my own address - sometimes with the street address abbreviated (Dr. instead of Drive), sometimes with the zip code presented as a 9-digit instead of a 5-digit code, etc. One version of my street address will trigger the reject, but choosing a different version the address allows the transaction to proceed.
Apparently the solution would be to determine how or where the transaction process is picking up the different billing addresses, or different versions of the same address. Is Apple Pay trying to EXACTLY match the billing address provided by the merchant with my address of record in Apple Pay system, or in an individual credit card in Apple Pay?
And where does one go to report the issue or try to get a resolution? Apple Pay works well enough for me now that I have learned to play guessing games with street addresses displayed in a short list, but the sloppiness or nit-picking nature of this is annoying.
Yes it must match exactly the billing address of the connected US bank account. Mailing address is not accepted. You can get away with it for a while but ultimately “the systems” will catch up.
For about a year we could use a Mailing address until the banks etc caught on. Now using a family members home address…