I’m an AppleScript novice with zero experience, but I have a case where I’d like to copy the subject of an email (in Mail.app) and hope to find the right AppleScript text.
Has anyone got any ideas?
I’m an AppleScript novice with zero experience, but I have a case where I’d like to copy the subject of an email (in Mail.app) and hope to find the right AppleScript text.
Has anyone got any ideas?
referencing this: https://talk.automators.fm/t/universal-apple-mail-message-url/4702/13?u=flohgro
tell application "Mail"
set _msgs to selected messages of message viewer 0
if (_msgs is not equal to missing value) then
set _msg to first item of _msgs
set the clipboard to (subject of _msg) as string
end if
end tell
I did not test this but I think its a good startingpoint
@FlohGro there is an end tell
that doesn’t belong in line six. The script (that works) should be
tell application "Mail"
set _msgs to selected messages of message viewer 0
if (_msgs is not equal to missing value) then
set _msg to first item of _msgs
set the clipboard to (subject of _msg) as string
end if
end tell
From experience I know, it’s always a good idea to test scripts before posting them
Thats why I said in the end that i didnt Test it.
I posted it when my mac wasnt available. I‘ll edit it about, thanks
Wow! Great! Thanks for that