I would love to hear from anyone who has used one of these! I am hoping to take a 3 month study sabbatical next year that could take me to three different out-of-state theological libraries, and being able to bring something like this to scan books would be fantastic!
I bought a CZUR ET16 scanner over four years ago, and it works fairly well. The interface is very un-Mac-like and some basic keyboard shortcuts don’t work, but apart from this I’m quite happy with it.
Fujitsu sold parts of their business back in 2022 to Ricoh (long time ago). PFU Limited rebranded everything to Ricoh in April 2023. More on that:
I was not sure what to think about it back in 2023, but as of today I am quite pleased. The software works as advertised. And those pesky ScanSnap Home license adventures are a thing of the past. There are multiple threads in this community, one of them (where I learned about the sale): Ridiculous license on ScanSnap Home seems to be going away
I was very close to buying this, but an Amazon reviewer indicates that the software “phones home” to China, and the CZUR website itself says that you have to disable antivirus / firewalls to install the software. That sounds VERY sketchy to me… am I being paranoid?