Automating Apple Mail to Devonthink

Sorry, I am both lazy and not technically savvy enough to find out how to do this. Hence I am reaching out to see whether anyone has developed a way (using shortcut or Apple Scripts, etc) to automate importing certain emails (based on rules) be imported into Devonthink when both apps are running.

The closest I can find on this forum is this discussion

Read page 203 of the DEVONthink manual. This will explain the AppleScripts that are included with some editions of DEVONthink, which can be called in Mail rules.

Better to read the actual documentation than have someone paraphrase it for you.

This is also discussed repeatedly and extensively on the DEVONthink forum


@anon41602260 , thanks. I finally have a chance to set up a rule in Mail to add message to DT but it does not seem to run automatically. I must be doing something wrong

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Probably. I suggest posting this question on the DEVONthink forum.

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ah, I found the issue, it actually worked :sweat_smile: but the emails are imported to the Global inbox which I have forgotten to check, now need to find the way to auto import into the designated group. Thanks again

The script you are using is configured to import the messages to incoming group. This incoming group is controlled by the setting DEVONthink Preferences > Files > Import > Destination. The options are to import to the Global Inbox (which you are seeing), or Select Group. What that means is that every import causes the group selector to open and ask you where the destination is.

That can be rather annoying with a Mail rule, which is supposed be be operating quietly in the background. So your option is to duplicate the script then edit it to specify the destination group. There are threads on the DEVONthink forum (or via direct assistance from Support) explaining how to make that modification.

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thanks again, really appreciate the additional information. It really helps.