Is there a tool that will trigger closer of apps if you have more than say 5 apps open (heck or even 5 tabs in a browser) open at once? I am extremely bad about leaving apps open and a persistent nudge to close things down for focus would be really helpful.
Here is a BetterTouchTool trick for Safari, which you can adopt for any other app. When you click the close button of a Safari window, you will automatically quit Safari.
I’ve also considered to make a voice command: “Siri, quit <app name>.”
Also, take a look on these settings: (1) System Settings > Desktop & Dock > Windows: Prefer tabs when opening document = On, and optionally (2) System Settings > Desktop & Dock > Mission Control: Group windows by application = On
Is there a Tab Limiting Extension on Safari? I cannot seem to find one.
I hear about it for the first time. If you mean the extension by Matthias Vogt, it’s for Chrome only: GitHub - juni-vogt/tab-limiter: Limit the number of open tabs in chrome
I found one for chrome and Firefox but not Safari. Would like to have something for iPad and Mac since Apple nerfs other browsers.