Battery Health 89% within 9 months!

Is my MacBook Pro battery defective? Will apple replace it? This is weird how fast the battery health has deteriorated. I also use power save on battery, at least last 2-3 months. And don’t run any heavy workload except YouTube for the most part lol. Battery cycle count if 200

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I’d like to know too - I got my MBP 28 months ago and it is currently at 80.2% with a cycle count of 102.

Best to contact Apple Support, or get an appointment at your local Apple Store. They have tools to check out the battery and then advise next steps if any.

Me having my iPhone falling from 87% to 84% within a week or two. Before that it was 87% for long.

Also having my MacBook Air last winter around 78-80% but raised to 83-85 this summer and dropped back to 80ish now.

Maybe low temperature matters?