Best Airpods Pro Foam tips?

I think my ears have AirPod repellent in them as it’s really difficult for me to keep the AirPods in my ear. I had some good foam tips that seemed to work, but of course they’ve been discontinued on Amazon.

Any suggestions for AirPod Pro replacement tips? Looking for ones that fit securely in your ear.

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I swear by the foam tips from Comply and have used them almost since the AirPod Pros came out. They last about 6 months for me before I need to change them out.

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+1 for Comply. I’ve never used them on my AirPods Pro, but I used to use them exclusively for PowerBeats and some other earbuds.

Also, I know it’s silly, but if it’s really hot out and my ears start getting some sweat on them I like these hooks - They’re thin enough to just toss in your pocket, and pull out when you need them.

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I know I’m going outside of the ask by suggesting non-foam tips. I have a lot of IEMs and SpinFit has always been really great for me. They allow a lot more flex in the nozzle to help direct them into your ear better.

I got the Comply tips based on someone’s recommendation here and have been very happy with them. I’m used to wearing memory foam ear plugs so the feel was familiar.

Definitely +1 for Comply from me too. They have tips for almost all in-ears, including of course Apple’s line. I find mine will last me at least six months before they loose “memory” and become difficult to insert properly.

You might be surprised by the increased low-end proper isolation provides :slight_smile:

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I’m using these Foam Masters. I’ve only had them a couple of weeks but they’re comfortable and fit securely.

I’ve used Comply in the past (albeit not with AirPods) and they’ve been OK. The FMs feel a bit better to me, but that’s extremely subjective

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Not yet purchased a pair of Airpod Pro 2s as my yea old pair of in-air air buds still work. Back then I experimented with the different sized tips and settled on the middle ones. When I get Airpod Pro 2s (probably February) I will re-run the experiment to find which size fits. I find the (old) tips to be comfortable in use but maybe after using Air Pod 2s something better could be needed.

I’ve used both the Comply and Dakoni foam tips for my APP2’s and both are great but I ‘feel’ like I get a better seal from the Comply’s.

I’ve also been happy with the Comply tips.

Size is very important for a comfortable fit.

My left ear is Medium and my right is Small.