Best Mac/iOS Podcasts...other than you know who!

Just looking down the list of my subscriptions in my podcast app and I see AppStories, Automators, iPhone Life, and Mac Power Users. Any thoughts on gems I might be missing or ones I should try? I’m really looking for ones that are app oriented, including reviews, tips, workflows, etc. Not so much interested in news since the 4 podcasts above do a pretty good job of reporting that.


Have you tried Supercomputer with @matthewcassinelli and @AlexCox?

Thanks, Rose. I know of Matthew and I’ll try the podcast.

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I mentioned them in another thread just now, but I find MacGeekGab to be consistently very helpful and informative.


Mac Geek Gab as well, they’re the best Mac tech podcast.

Mac Geek Gab is great and also like MacCast

I enjoy :musical_note:The Weekly Review woo woo. :musical_note:

Thanks, everybody! Trying them all. It looks like there might be some gems here, if only just in the occasional episode.

Accidental Tech Podcast, I listen depending on the episode.