Best screenshot software 2023?

Hi all,

I’m curious if anybody has a favorite software for screenshots?

I have been using Monosnap - and for my simple purpose it works great with one Basic combo tool = arrow and text combined. I can simply draw an arrow anywhere on the screen and automatically at the other end I can type some text. Then save.

Other popular software:

CleanShot X

Q: do you have any favorites?

I love CleanShot X. I can’t say how it compares to others, but it’s stellar. I use it every day.


Made the switch to Cleanshot X about 4 months ago and it is tremendous. I use it multiple times a day and it always delights.


I am ok and like the built-in macOS screen shot software and Preview to edit.


CleanShot. I’ve tried several others, but CleanShot is the one I use almost every day. If you have “simple needs” then probably Monosnap is fine. Is there a reason @dealtek that you are asking this question? Something specific you want to see in screenshot software that you miss?


I’m still rocking Dropshare + automatic B2 uploads. I’d probably steer someone towards Cleanshot for the annotation tools, if they did a lot of that at work. (Dropshare integrates Cleanshot’s annotations, incidentally.)

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I am the absolute grandmaster of screenshot apps. There are only 2 to consider on the Mac:

  1. SnagIt 2023 – the king of all screenshot apps if you frequently annotate. Nothing even comes close. With that said, TechSmith sucks as a company, development of useful things has stalled for years, and the software feels slow even on a Mac Mini M2 Pro. Still the best though because of the annotation features

  2. CleanShotX. If you don’t annotate aggressively, CleanShotX is the best. Lightweight, fast, and has annotation features but it could be improved. Wished their editor was similar to snagIt’s

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I switched to CleanShot recently and I’m very happy.

CleanShotX is the only one that has both tempted me away from the native functionality and remained in use. The main feature I like is the extensive markup capability, but the fact I can still use my muscle-memory keyboard shortcuts is vital.

Capto. It’s also in SetApp.

I think Shottr is very good.

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Well it looks like the GIF maker could be useful showing a few pics in succession. Also does anyone know which app can show numbers to varied steps like step 1,2,3 etc.?

If you mean steps within one screenshot, then CleanShot does this quickly and effectively.

If you mean across screenshots then maybe CleanShot also handles that … I haven’t a need for that feature, so I’m not completely sure if it’s offered.

I just use the native options in Mac OS. If I need to edit I use preview. No need to purchase something else.

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I use Shottr. I moved away from CleanshotX.

I think it handles moving screenshots better than Cleanshot. I know that Cleanshot has a couple of extras, such as screen recordings, but for my needs, Shottr is the better option.

(Not to say that Cleanshot is not a great application, it is very good.)

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I am another regular user of the native Mac screenshot options, which have become very versatile.

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I have been using TechSmith’s Snagit.


Another vote for Clean Shot. Been using it for a couple of years and love it.

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Thanks for all the good suggestions. I bought Clean Shot X - and it seems to be pretty great.

In my case I mostly will use arrows and Text. In addition a favorite new tool will be to use the counter (1-2-3 for clarity to arrows etc.)

Also another excellent option is to auto copy to clipboard - so I can paste the image directly in an email - that is handy.


I vouch for SnagIt too. Been using them for years!

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