Black Friday/Cyber Monday 2022 Deals

Frankly, that would be enough for me to avoid Brave.


:open_book: Integrating SwiftUI into UIKit Apps 30% off until 1 December.

This book is written by Natalia Panferova a former a software engineer on the SwiftUI team at apple.

The book is aimed at people with a general understanding of UIKit, however does not require SwiftUI knowledge it includes an entire chapter covering the principles of SwiftUI in addition to 5 other chapters going over the different ways you can gradually adopt SwiftUI within your existing UiKit projects.

I also do not like my browser hijacking the URLs. Not really sure if I would trust such an application.


Postbox, an email client based on Thunderbird, is on sale for $39, perpetual license.

Also SpamSieve, looks like $30-25%, or $22.50. SpamSieve works with several clients, including Apple Mail (Not directly with Postbox).

thanks, fortunately I have a lifetime license for Postbox when I was using it for Windows. Did not know it has a Mac version now

As for SpamSieve, I still do not know whether it is worth the trouble to install it. Cost is not my consideration here

Looking for a deal on a great, non-subscription CRM option with Mac and iOS versions (separate purchase)?
Contacts Journal
*** Black Friday Sale: 40% Off This Weekend ***

Here’s a post I wrote on it

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I’m just drowning in a sea of political spam now. I’ve have a license for a few years, but stopped using it when Mailmate wouldn’t work with my Uni. Trying it again now. Bought Postbox thinking it would plug right in, but you have to run Apple Mail in the background. Jumped the gun on that one. C’est la vie.

Now that’s a surprise, an email service that Mailmate would not support! I guess there is a IT horror story behind all of that.

MailMate technically supports interacting with Office365, however administrators of the Office365 server have to explicitly approve/allow every external program separately for accessing data on the server.
(I am happy that at our university the admin approved MailMate)

Setapp’s moderator has just confirmed Craft will be coming to Setapp in a couple of days.

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A bit late, but I found out that Endel has a 50% sale. Not sure if it’s because of black friday or just a sale in general: Endel: Start your Endel subscription

Don’t use Endel so I can’t say if it’s worth the steep price

Don’t use Endel so I can’t say if it’s worth the steep price

It’s pseudoscience snake oil.

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Do you have the same opinion of and the other products in that general space?

A website full of venture capital investors. That demands your sign-up for a free trial, while keeping their pricing nearly invisible on their website. Unlike their ridiculous yet very visible performance claims. Do I believe that sound or music can help with concentration, relieve stress and improve wellbeing? Oh, absolutely. “7x increase in focus” though? Utterly ridiculous. Not too mention all the data collection and tracking in their app privacy description.

And it’s all just 50 or 60 USD per year (subscription, what else?), truly “democratizing wellness by making it accessible to all”. My ass.


Could you be a little less ambiguous so I’m clear as to your position on this matter? :rofl:


I used brainfm in the past and liked it

I think it’s a big help to have a clear context switch like telling yourself “I’m in focus mode now” and audio changes can do that. By clicking the “play button”, or putting on a Spotify playlist

I tried Endel now and like the commercial aspect. It has lots of neat little tricks like automatically adjusting the sound based on circadian rhythm, or using heart rate from the Apple Watch (there is an option to link Oura ring now, but it’s still under development). The presentation is also pretty cool

What I liked as well was going from relax to “evening focus”. It added more gentle beats into the background which got me a bit more amped

Sadly the Airplay is broken for me and keeps crashing on my HomePod. And personally the sleep sound scene sounds a bit annoying with all the higher pitched sounds, so I’m more of a “nice sound of rain” kind of guy with apps like ‎Portal - Immersive Escapes on the App Store

Gonna try it a bit more the next days. Don’t expect a crazy jump in focus on anything, but just an endless changing background sound is pretty cool, and they do seem to heavily update it with new stuff

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I don´t doubt, that it could help for the concentration to “switch off” your surrounding with music and/or a kind of the different colorful “noises”.
But I don’t see a reason to pay such a large amount of money for that.
If I want to concentrate, I put on my Noisecompensated Headphones, and listen to either Meat Loaf, Phantom of the Opera or right now to Lucy Thomas (great Voice!).
For me, it is more important to listen to something I already know well, so it could just work as a NoiseCushion, instead of forcing me into listen to the text or something like that.
There are even for the different Colorful Noises a lot of free or cheap sources, and everyone could even do something like this for themselves, by just record some Rain, a running water, or some Waves rolling up the coast somewhere.
Even a record of Street Noise could be helpful for somebody who is used to live in a large city.

P.S.: Post was a general reply, and not intended as a direct reply to @fairlydoughnut, sorry!

I don’t know As for Endel, their only “scientific” paper is sponsored by themselves. Maybe I’m not open-minded enough but I don’t have time to read through their “paper”.

The authors were employed by the company Arctop Inc. This study received funding from Arctop Inc., and Endel Sound GmbH. The funders had the following involvement with the study: Arctop Inc., was involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of this article, and the decision to submit it for publication. Endel Sound GmbH was involved in the study design and provided audio stimuli used in the experiment.

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I did a bit of reading around this area. Music - particularly music individuals enjoy - can improve focus and reduce stress/anxiety. Classical music is good, but only if it’s something the individual likes listening to.

I didn’t find any research evidence that Endel or (or similar) were any more effective than music in general. And for some people, silence is better.

This is my go to:


Endel have a bunch of tracks/playlists on many streaming platforms. You can listen to those and see what they do for you.

In my case, some of them are enjoyable as background music. I generally can’t listen to anything too structured or with vocals as my brain focuses on that rather than my work. Those tracks do the job as far as that aspect is concerned. I can’t say I suddenly had the focus of a hawk, though.