search shortcut — how to remove?

Anyone using

Tried to allocate Cmd+Opt+Ctrl+space as a keyboard shortcut for today — and up popped a floating Box search bar (similar to Alfred/Spotlight).

Seems this is allocated to, despite me not remembering ever doing so. Was quite surprised it was even a feature.
Clicked on the “cog” underneath the search bar, to try and invoke its settings, to remove said shortcut, and… there aren’t any.
The cog only has “About Box Drive”, “Open”, “Help” [which takes one to the forums, or allows sending of logs], “Log out” or “Quit” as options.

Huh. Ok — so opened Preferences/Keyboard/Keyboard Shortcuts since I assumed it would be listed under one of the App Shortcuts — and, nothing. It’s not listed, so doesn’t appear anywhere for me to change.

How is that even possible? Are there “blessed” apps, that set a shortcut automatically, that macOS doesn’t “see”, and cannot remove?

Any suggestions?

Wow. Resolved. Sorry — had spent the better part of an hour trawling through their support forums, and eventually found this article from a year back. [Murphy’s law that it was the next one I found, after posting the initial query here!]

This might be useful for future Box users on macOS. Incredibly, it involves running a command inside Terminal, to remove.