Cal Newport Zoom Session June 11, 2020

The Montgomery County MD U.S. library is sponsoring a Cal Newport session on “Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World”

Thursday, June 11, 2020
2:00-3:00 pm EDT U.S.
(no password needed)

Launch Meeting - Zoom

Meeting ID (for reference): 915 0697 5809

Sponsored by the Montgomery County Public Library and Friends of the Library, Chevy Chase Chapter.

(I’m reporting what I saw posted elsewhere – and cannot vouch for the accuracy of the information above.)


If people from this forum join that webinar without having been invited by the first party, would that be considered Zoombombing?

The event details are publicly available.

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See some of you there, perhaps.

I’ve also been enjoying his new podcast.

This is still my favorite interview of his. I’ve listened to it many times.


I’ve always considered Zoombombing to mostly be joining a meeting where the hosts are clearly not expecting anybody but a select group of people (frequently by wardialing Zoom numbers and seeing where a meeting is) and then making a nuisance of yourself.

Neither would ever apply to a public meeting - although it is possible that if the organizers don’t have the larger Zoom plan that local-ish people would be unable to get in.