Calm - meditation app

Anyone else using this app? I love this app so much. I have tried a lot of other meditation apps out there and Calm just nails it for me, so when they offered a 50% off on a lifetime subscription recently, I went with it. Great app!

A little unknown tip. You can use their “breathe” section of the iOS app on the desktop too. Although not fully developed or featured yet, it gets the job done. Just enter this url in Safari and you always have a reminder to breathe deeply at hand. I have it open constantly in Safari and switch to it when I need it:


I tried it along with Headspace. Headspace won out. It seemed more to the point and less new age-y.

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Same happened here :grinning:


Calm is probably the biggest of these services. It’s popular for a reason.

Similar apps I could personally recommend are 10% Happier (subscription), Buddhify (one-time charge, but they also added a subscription tier recently), and Insight Timer (which offers access to hundreds of free guided mediations as well as subscription options or one-off purchases). Also neat is the free Australian nonprofit-created Smiling Mind app.

I bought into Headspace several years ago but wasn’t crazy about it for some reason.

There are also all manner of relaxation-sound apps go free for limited periods, or are free with unlockable IAP sounds. I’ve collected apps like Cofitivity (which apparently just is a front end for the website), Sleepy Fan, Rainy Mood, Sleep Pillow, Rain Sounds, and Natr.

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I’ve been using it for a couple of years now and it’s really changed my life.

Having struggled with depression for most of my life, repeatedly going in and out of psychiatric hospital I started using this app during a bad period of my life, and it has drastically reduced my “down periods”, so this one gets a huge +1 from me.