Can I limit Waze to Driving Focus Mode?

So I usually drive to the train, and then take the tram from the trainstation to work. (Yep, very european commute ;p)
However, the last two weeks there has been some sort of maintaince, and we’re doing a bus replacement service for the train (Yep, very european as well) and Waze gets confused, since it doesn’t pick up the fact that I actually parked the car and walked to the bus stop.
So it keeps running, and about half way to work I get a notification that there’s a speed camera coming up.
This is annoying of course, but I can handle it.

The real problem is that I just realized that as far as I know Waze could be on at any time, sending my location to servers all over the world and checking speed limits and all kinds of stuff.
I don’t mind the servers knowing where I am when I’m driving - that’s the unspoken contract between me and Google; tit for tat.
But I do mind it keeping a watch on my at any time, and probably draining my battery as well!

So I’d like Waze to never be active unless I’m in driving mode. If I need to make changes in Waze while not driving, I’m fine with having to change to driving mode manually in order to be able to launch the app.

Is this possible yet?

I’m pretty sure that unless it is actively navigating, iOS will only allow it to run in the background for a brief period of time. That said, I hear you . . . even though we’re not supposed to need to force quit apps as the operating system handles that for us, I typically force quit Waze and Google Maps after I reach my destination.

I’m no Focus mode expert, but don’t know of a feature that lets you limits apps to certain modes.

Waze seems to continue to run (draining the battery in the process) even if in the background. I always just close Waze when not in use (swipe up in app switcher). You could just press the red Stop button that is visible when you tap on the bottom of the Waze display, but it will probably continue to monitor where you are and use some battery. At least it won’t keep giving driving instructions!

I do the same thing, (quit Waze from the switcher).

There seems to be no way to quit Waze even when you’re done navigating. If don’t force-quit it the “your location is being used” indicator stays in my dynamic island, (and previously, top of the screen), forever.

Huh, seems like this would be easy to fix… oh well, maybe next year…

Waze will have a special exception (I can’t remember the correct term) as a driving app to be able to run in the background forever. Developers have to apply to have them, like if they want their app to run on CarPlay.

Focus modes have been created as a way to allow/deny notifications from certain apps/people, not as a way to control which apps are running. So it’s not the right tool for the job you want.

Shortcuts may be worth a look, in that you may be able to set conditions so that when your phone disconnects from Bluetooth in your car, it cancels navigation in Waze, but it depends which shortcuts Waze has, it also will not quit Waze.
With Shortcuts you could set a Geotag around the train station to remind you to quit Waze manually.