Can't clear history in ios safari since update?

Running 18.2.1 on an SE3. I am generally pretty fastidious about privacy settings and keeping caches clear. However, I recently noticed that “Clear History and Website Data” in Safari settings is now greyed out, BUT Safari still suggests previously visited pages when typing in the search bar. This implies history and website data is still being saved, yes? I’ve gone into “Advanced” and cleared website data there too, but the search bar still suggests previously visited pages. What am I missing? I’ve also recently subscribed to iCloud+ on the off chance that there is some kind of sync issue I’m not aware of.

You could try force-quitting Safari and also rebooting the phone. I use iCloud+ and still have the option o clear website history and data. It does grey out if you have just cleared the data. I have turned off Suggested altogether as i found it rather intrusive and not particularly useful.

Thanks, but I tried that to no avail. I have “suggested” turned off - basically everything turned off - but all I have to is type one letter and a screen full of previously visited pages pops up. I get it; this phone is not used by anyone else so who cares, but that’s not really the point. Clear history means “clear history.” And it doesn’t work. ¯_( ツ)_/¯

Do you have Screen Time settings on? Some of those block this feature.

Thanks - that got me in the right area of settings to check. It was actually “Content and Privacy Restrictions.” Once I switched that off, I was able to clear “History and Website Data.”

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