I have a symbolic link from ~/Documents to ~/Dropbox/MyDocuments.
However I noticed that Catalina from time to time deletes my symbolic link and replaces it with a new Documents folder. I think its happening at a reboot but may happen at other times as well. Any way to prevent this?
I don’t think that should be a problem? If I’m reading it correctly the OP is creating a symlink outside his Dropbox directory pointing to a directory inside his Dropbox directory and not the other way around. Dropbox shouldn’t care (or even know) if there are symlinks pointing at files or directories inside the Dropbox directory. (~/Documents->~/Dropbox/Documents, not ~/Dropbox/Documents->~/Documents)
What I’d try is deleting the symlink and leaving your home directory without a Documents directory for a bit. If one shows up (like after a reboot) then you know it’s Catalina doing it. Catalina is pretty fussy about Desktop, Downloads, and Documents.
Now we’ll have to wait to find out which of us read it the right way! In person, this would be the sort of thing over which drinks ought to be wagered, largely because when one wagers drinks, there really are no losers
I’m creating a link outside of the Dropbox (/Users/scott/Documents) to a folder inside my Dropbox folder (/Users/scott/Dropbox/MyDocuments).
I thought it’s a Catalina issue because I haven’t seen this issue before. One suggestion I had was to use the Get Info and mark the symbolic link as locked. Going to see if that helps.