Choosing a Mail server

A year or so ago Australia passed a bill which required servers in there country to have a back door for the government link. I remember a lot of people saying they were thinking about leaving Fastmail because of it. Has anything changed on that front?

I read the Australian law was written at the behest of the U.S and Great Britain. Whether this is true or not, it is just a matter of time until governments get legal access to all of our data.

To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin ". . . in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes, and a total lack of privacy.

I have a Protonmail account, but I probably won’t renew b/c I got a deal and don’t want to pay full price for my family to add on to the service. I’ll link to a post I replied to earlier this year about my mail provider, which I don’t see too many people use or recommend, but I have been happy with them for the last 4 years, Looking for a Web/email hosting service

Absolutely love Fastmail. Their service is super fast, very reliable, and amazing customer support. Plus they’re constantly adding new features and their iOS app is very nice. I still think I prefer Apple Mail on iOS, but I love the Fastmail web mail and use that exclusively on my mac.

I’ve spent the last year de-googling myself and moving from Gmail to Fastmail was a breeze. If I could only get my family to move, I could extract myself from Google Calendar and be completely Google free.