Congratulations to @RosemaryOrchard for joining the TWiT folks cohosting iOS Today!
Then I’ll be resubscribing to a TWIT podcast. It’s been years.
Congrats, Rose!
Many reasons to have unsubscribed them…
Me too! Congratulations Rosemary!
Congrats Rose – that’s a huge deal!!!
I stopped watching iPad Today when Sarah Lane left.
Congratulations Rose!!!
I will just add my “So Say We All!” to everything everyone has already said above!
One thing that I very much appreciate about both Mikah and Rosemary is that they walk a narrow path between “overzealous uncritical fanboi” and “perpetually disappointed by everything.”
Now, I know that doesn’t seem like a narrow path, but I assume it must be, because not many people find it. I’ve heard both of them talk about things that they find disappointing, bugs they find frustrating, etc, and I’ve heard them both be enthusiasm and a positive.
It seems to be (and maybe this is my own jaded-ness being projected around me) that there are a lot in the tech-sphere who excel at finding all of the negatives and who can never seem to move on from them. Even when they find something positive to say, it almost seems begrudging.
(I think Stephen and David do this well also. One of the reasons that I like MPU.)
We could use more of that. I know I could.
It’s called passion … they are passioned about what they do, talk and write.
Congrats @RosemaryOrchard
This is The Way …
Congratulations Rose!
Live long and prosper.