Continuity Cam Randomly Turning On?

Since upgrading to Ventura and accidentally hitting “continue” when the prompt for using Continuity Cam popped up, my main camera randomly switches to the iPhone during Zoom calls. It’s SO frustrating. Anyone else experiencing this, or know what to do about it?

Update: I noticed that the default keyboard shortcut for “Switch Camera” is something like ⌘⇧N and that’s quite possibly something I’d type during a Zoom call, so maybe I accidentally activated it. I’ve changed it, and we’ll see what happens.

Still, interested in knowing if this is happening to anyone else.

If that (⌘⇧N) turns out to be the case, when I found myself accidentally typing ⌘-Q and ⌘-W a lot, I defined Keyboard Maestro shortcuts that just captured those keystrokes and “bonked.” I also defined Hyper-Q and Hyper-W to do the default Quit and Close Window actions if that’s what I really intended.

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