Correcting spelling without the mouse

I have always wondered and have never been able to figure out how to do a spell check on those words with eh squiggly red lines under them without touching the mouse (keyboard only)_. Any tips.

Many thanks,

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autocorrect and textexpander might do the trick :slight_smile:

Not sure how that would work.

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I would love to know the answer to this one.
I had stopped thinking about it some time ago. I failed to find an answer myself. Putting typos in TE didn’t work for me. There is too much I have to deal with: I have to spell check from about 80K words or more; AND I am a poor speller. That plus common names it wants to change and I want to pass, including techinical terms spell checks get wrong and I want to ‘ignore’, I would find such a method invaluable. Please help us community.

I tried, as I say below with TE but it was no good, I just have too many words and autocorrect over corrects if I might put it that way for me. Not reliable at all. Most common words I can spell. I think Houston and I really need to have keyboard commands for that spell check panel. The one with buttons on for “Change”, “Ignore” and “learn”. Come on @JKoopmans I know you can do it!

I’ve started putting commingle misspelled words in text expander. Usually, I’ll misspell it the exact same way every time, so text expander “fixes” the spelling for me.

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Grammarly is very helpful for me!


I can get you part of the way there. Somebody else will have to help with the last step.

In a document with misspelled words with squiggly red lines underneath them, type Command-;.

This will jump you to the next misspelled word, and it will select the offending word.

Now, with the word selected, hit Shift-Command-;.

This will bring up the Spelling and Grammar dialog, with the selected word in the top field and any suggested alternatives in the larger field below it.

But I can’t figure out how to use the keyboard to change focus from the document window to that dialog. I’ve tried Command-~, Tab, and Control-Tab, but none of those has worked for me.

Anybody know how to use the keyboard to jump from an active window into a non-modal dialog?

Two notes:

1. This of course will not work in Microsoft Word. That would be too convenient.

2. As far as I can tell, just selecting the word on your own and then hitting Shift-Command-; doesn’t work. It brings up the dialog, but the dialog is empty. The dialog only shows the word you want if you’ve used Command-; to get to that word and select it.

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I tried to do this for a while in word using BTT / Keyboard Maestro to move the mouse to current location and right click to bring up the options.
Simulating the right click button on a Windows keyboard.
Sadly never got it to work properly :frowning:

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In Word on Mac you press option-F7 and the suggestions for the word with a red line closest to the cursor appear. You can then select the correct spelling using the cursor keys.

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System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Keyboard, check “Move focus to the floating window” ^F6 will then move the focus to a floating window. I have a Keyboard Maestro macro which simulates these keystrokes: I do this so often. I will post it when I have time to make sure it is safe to Keyboard Maestro Discourse and try to link it here @tonycraine

Yeah, that worked for me. Turns out I had that preference checked already. I just didn’t know the shortcut. Thanks.

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Just out of interest @tonycraine do you find the native shortcuts adequate as they are?
As I said I do this so often that using one shortcut instead of three is good for me. I would be interested in how useful others would find my Keyboard Maestro macro. These things can be very individualistic; also there is the ‘muscle memory’ factor. I have some Keyboard Maestro shortcuts I don’t use because I know the old native sequences so well.

I honestly can’t say. I would never use this method — I was just trying to answer the question posed by @Houston.Brown, who would prefer not to use the mouse. I find that right-clicking on those words is sufficient for my purposes.

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Yes. In fact for single words, when I tried it, using the mouse is far quicker than any shortcuts I know of or invented. I tend to work through the whole document at once, even in that case the time saved by a shortcut is negligible or negative frankly. It is a kind of misguided point of principle with me not to use the mouse for stretches if I possibly can avoid it. Over all I think that attitude saves time, is more comfortable to me but I think is arguable frankly.

Here is a link to a Keyboard Maestro macro I devised to do this. I find it useful as it allows me to do several Ulysses writing workflows without touching the mouse. Not a great time saver, but satisfying and it really helps me focus. It is maybe a bit idiosyncratic to be of much use. I couldn’t find a better way to do it Houston. Use it with @JMichaelTX 's macro that he made and posted on the same thread. It supercharges the macro on Ulysses and Pages where I tried it out and I also link to below