Countdown to date app/widget?

I’m looking for a countdown app. Let’s say there’s something super-important going on on day X at time Y. I’m looking for an app that displays the days/hours/minutes/seconds leading up to that day, ideally on a constantly-updated countdown.

Bonus points if there’s a widget. But even an app that I have to open would be fine.

Any suggestions?

Waiting List on Setapp. I’ve never used it so I’m not sure how good it is or if it does what you want.

UPDATE: I just tested this and it kept crashing so I deleted it. I am on Ventura and maybe it’s not ready for that.

I use Übersicht with the Count Down widget.

And I just came across this Hologram Desktop, the notes for which say a countdown widget was just added. I’ve not used it.

Also Widgetpack can do this (bit of a learning curve but a “countdown to Christmas” widget is provided as an example)

I use Countdowns (to count down to the next Apple event :wink:):

(Is that a subscription now? For me it was a small one-time purchase, quite some time ago)

Mac or iOS?

On IOS I use Countdown Widget Timer. It has widgets for home screens, allows you to select your own photos.

Co-incidentally, it’s just over 900 days until I’m 50

I’m currently using the countdown widget from Widgetsmith on my iPhone lock screen to count down the days to my wedding in December.


iOS ideally, although Mac wouldn’t be out of the question.