Craft Pricing Hiccup

Hello MPU,

If using Craft, be careful of your settings and pay attention to your billing.

As mentioned in my other posts, I am doing an audit of many subscriptions. Upon doing a review of my Craft account, here are my findings…

On Mac - 2 Accounts (1 Personal and 1 Business) being billed $60/seat/year. I am on the Legacy Pro billing.

On iPhone - 1 account (1 Personal) being billed $47.99/year. Also Legacy Pro. (I wasn’t aware of this one)

That looked strange to me…the only reason I caught this was I saw the renewal on 2 separate credit cards. I keep all subscriptions on my Apple Card and couldn’t figure out how Craft went to my other card.

However, when logging into Craft Dashboard…it still shows just 2 accounts, not 3.

I reach out to Craft support, they confirm that my account is being double billed. They issued an apology email saying “we have no control of the process that occurs with Apple Subscription. App Store and Paddle are two separate platforms.”

Someone please tell me how this email makes sense…there’s no clarification on the difference of pricing between both.

(Email from Craft)

Hi there, Michael

App Store and Paddle are completely separate platforms, so cancelling either won’t affect the other, that’s why it was possible to create duplicate subscriptions. When you cancel a subscription, by the time it completely expires, you won’t have access to the features of that tier, but changing subscriptions never affects your existing content.



I took advantage of one of Craft’s periodic offers of a discounted “legacy” pro subscription. I already had an app store subscription, but realised I would have to subscribe directly with Craft to get the limited time offer. I still had a couple of months to run on the app store subscription, so I asked Craft support what I needed to do.

They were quite clear that I would have two subscriptions unless I cancelled the app store one and were very reassuring that I wouldn’t lose data as long as I took out the direct subscription before cancelling the app store one. The app store sub ran for the couple of months remaining, but would have renewed unless I had cancelled it myself. Apparently, Craft has no means to do that on my behalf. I didn’t notice any hiccups or problems with the apps from making a new subscription, by having two subscriptions running, nor when the app store one ended without being renewed, but I kept the same email for Craft throughout.

Paddle handle the payments on behalf of Craft (and other vendors).