Creating keyboard shortcut to assign and/or view Tags

Hey all,

For years I relied on a custom keyboard shortcut to view tags so that I could view/add tags without using the mouse. I set it up using these directions here but unfortunately that isn’t working on my new computer running Mojave 10.14.3 – any suggestions for how to set up an alternative keyboard shortcut? I’m finding not having this slows me down tremendously.


This might be helpful. It covers both regular tags and color labels.

Do not do the following if you want to have favorite tags defined

Open Finder > Preferences > Tags

Drag any “favorite tags” shown in the box at the bottom of that pane off the box, one by one, until you have “No Favorites”.


Press Apple > Force Quit and then Relaunch Finder.

The shortcut should work again in Mojave. This solution works for me. Sometimes the machine needs reboot.

Thanks–that ended up working for me! Oddly enough, though, it was the same directions as the other website, so maybe just needed to delete and re-add my shortcut. Regardless, thanks!

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Hmm, thank you–that didn’t work for me, but it was worth a try!

Too bad. Works perfectly on 10.14.3. Need to follow the steps accurately and enter the shortcut correctly, of course. With the three dots (ellipses) after “Tags”. Press option+semicolon to enter the three dots.


I used ⇧⌘T, but any shortcut can be used as long as it doesn’t conflict with the same shortcut used elsewhere on the machine.