I think so!
I recommend downloading and giving it a try. Every person’s use of it is different, so my description of it is biased to the way I use it. Curio has Idea Spaces. This is sort of like a white board / cork board / large section of wall . On the Idea Spaces you can put things like pin boards, lists, index cards for notes, circles, rectangles, connecting lines, photos, etc. You can arrange these things however you like, and however your brain works. Those are kind of the basics (and very powerful). To go a little beyond basics, you can, say, turn on checkboxes on items and link that to your reminders and/or calendar, so
Pop Quiz Unit 7
could show up on your calendar for Friday. When you click the link in your calendar, it would take you to the Curio Idea Space where you’ve laid out all your materials for that pop quiz.
(My partner is a teacher, and I just realized I should suggest this to her!)
Also see @lsieverts ’ example above.