DEVONthink Edit Question iOS

One item that is a show stopper for me with PDF Viewer and DTTG’s editing capabilities is the Saved Stamps.

When you create a saved stamp with a date/time signature in PDF Viewer or DTTG, it saves the time the stamp was saved not the time you create the stamp in your document. I use stamps such as Revise, Revisit, Stopped Here and want the time I put the stamp in the document to be the date/time the stamp has.

PDF Expert uses the date/time the stamp is added to the document.

Also, I prefer to have the same editing capabilities on my Mac and my iOS device. PDF Expert gives a similar experience on both.

DEVONThink 's PDF editing capabilities/user friendliness on OSX seems to be very different than the one built into DTTG. I find it hard to work with on OSX, can’t change the color of the underline, etc… I haven’t seen PDF Viewer on OSX.

Just sharing what works for me. Sometimes it is those edge or corner cases that drive our selections.

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This looks intriguing - but I am missing where the “stamps” feature is triggered?

Or maybe we are talking about the same thing, since I don’t know what to call it - on the Annotation toolbar, are you referring to the [Note??] icon, that (kind-of) inserts the digital equivalent of a sticky-note onto the document?

Here is info about creating the custom stamp: Working with Stamps

It looks similar on both the iPad and the iPhone.

Ah - I misunderstood your initial post, thought this was available in DTTG2/PDF Viewer.
I have PDF Expert on macOS and iOS – have have a look. Thanks.

DTTG@/PDF Viewer both have this, but when you create a custom stamp, the date/time stored with that stamp is the time you saved the stamp.

When you insert the custom stamp into your document, the date/time is still the date/time the stamp was initially saved as a custom stamp not the date/time that you inserted it into your document.

I don’t understand why anyone would want the time the stamp was initially created as the time and not the time the stamp is inserted in to the document.

I sent a future request into PDF Viewer many months ago. Hopefully it gets updated in the future.

I finally heard back from DevonThink on this issue. A week to reply is not very impressive. The message simply said, "Thank you for your feedback. Currently the PDF toolbar (and a similar one for sheets) can only be placed left or right of the document. Wouldn’t it be a solution to make it possible to make the PDF display a tad smaller so that it leaves room left or right for the toolbar?

Eric Böhnisch-Volkmann, President "

I explained that I could not make the pdf any smaller (only larger). Anyway, as I mentioned above, installing PDF Viewer fixed this issue for me, but I thought I would update you what DevonThink said (and how long they took to say it!). If there is any more feedback, I’ll update here. Thanks again to everyone on here that helped solve my problem quickly!!!

Devonthink wrote back and said: “The PDFs are all created from web pages that have no margin. I’ll open a development ticket for this issue.” I haven’t heard anything more.

Me too. Thank you. So very helpful.