For a very long time, I have been trying to find a system where I can have all my files AND my notes in a central system.
Previously (pre-V10) I was heavy Evernote user where the files were also stored in Evernote notes. Though not ideal, it worked. The main reason this worked was because Evernote allows you to edit the file and the changes are saved in the note attachment.
I have been evaluating Devonthink as an Evernote alternative, but for did note find the note taking experience in DT was not as good as in EN, specially since I tend to use tables a lot during my writing, guess my brain is just wired that way . That lead me to try out Noteplan and Obsidian. Although both are good, but I wanted to involve DT in my workflow while maintaining separate notes app. Unfortunately the tables support in Noteplan is limited but the developer has informed the new version of tables is coming soon, so keeping an eye out for that!
I tried Indexing local folders and simply creating word (or pages) files for notes. But this makes it very complex on the iOS devices.
Then one day it suddenly struck me! It was really a lightbulb moment.
I could create a group in DT for projects and keep files there AND have the notes folder from Obsidian indexed into DT as a subgroup.
I am super excited with this setup as this allows me to use DT AND dedicated notes app while still integrating everything. Best part is the notes are easily readable in DT