I’ve recently switched from KeepIt to DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go (thanks to MPU coverage). I’m not sure I’m going to stick with it though. I’d previously had a DT license so it wasn’t a huge buy in, which is probably a good thing because I’m wavering.
The main problem I had with KeepIt was it seemed to be incessantly doing… something… with iCloud. I’d add one document and it would be “fetching 100 documents, saving 100 documents, fetching 100 documents.” Or at least, so it seemed. I also find the UI a little simple, in need of a little flair (how an app looks and flows is important to me as well as how it functions).
DT has solid syncing with iCloud. It has LOTS more controls, but the interface is also… slightly dated looking. I also find the whole database thing a little overbearing. I get tags and inboxes and smart thingies whether I want them or not. And lately, I’ve been having problems with databases apparently closing and then not showing up in Recent Databases. Also (probably related) if my Mac reboots with DT running (which is often thanks to 1.Catalina freezes far too often, and 2.Any time I send a web page to DT on the Mac, the app launches, so I just leave it running) then the database is “not closed properly” every time I go to open it, which is annoying.
DTTG is also less functional than I had hoped. The key feature it is missing for me is the ability to scan directly into the app on my iPhone. That’s how a big chunk of my documents got into KeepIt. Plus KeepIt has OCR built in without breaking the bank.
My use cases are these:
- Important documents
- Receipts (the primary use case for scan-to-app)
- Reference material (usually web archives)
- Research material (generally copy-pasted text from various sources, some images, links and web archives)
- “Created” content (very little, original text I create)
Some of these I need to be on hand on my phone, like receipts and important documents, while the rest are generally most important at my desktop Mac or occasionally on my iPad Pro (at home).
Both apps can deal with all of this and I’m not concerned about the economics of either choice. My gut feel at this time is that DT is very powerful and flexible, but has not (yet?) been properly modernised and as such it can be hard to hide or ignore the bits you don’t care about, plus DTTG is in need of some serious updating. KeepIt is a little simple on the UI front and seems to have those iCloud dances, but it does let you use just what you need.
I’ve not had need for DT support recently, but have found KeepIt support responsive and effective in the past.
Can anyone persuade me not to do what my current plan is and move back to KeepIt?