I used DEVONThink for over 10 years for nearly all filing and interfacing.
Jsut be aware that there is a still as yet unresolved bug that can result in loss of your data without you knowing. Files both indexed and imported appear fine but the files themselves are zero byte lenth.
DEVONTHink did eventually implement a tool that allows you to check for file integrity so you can discover the problem before your backup string is exhausted (mine was over a year old and I lost hundreds of files)
So if you do commit to DEVONThink I STRONGLY suggest a very robust external backup system and at least weekly verify and also file integrity optiosn on all your database and I’d even add additional external file comparison verifiction at least monthly.
Also be aware that importing the documents into DEVONTHink results in them being hidden in the package file of the database. It’s not very easy to see or manipulte the files or their links outside of DEVONThink.
In my case in the conversion out (I was no longer willing to risk my archived data) I had to redo nearly all the links.
I was a very happy user until the huge dataloss and the aftemath of continual denial by DT support. DT is very powerful with a lot of tools but know what you are getting into and the risks before you decide.