Did you do your yearly review of your subscriptions?

The secret is, we all still pay for shipping somehow - Amazon is just huge enough that they can dollar-cost-average the transactions where they lose money on shipping with the ones where they make money on shipping. They can also take less profit per-item since their volume is so huge. And as long as they come out ahead overall, they’re good.

They actually did that with Kindle ebooks for a long time. They’d sell any NYT bestseller for $9.99. Even the ones where their cost was more than $9.99. They just applied the extra profits from the ones they could get for substantially less than $9.99, and dollar-cost-averaged across the category. As long as they were making money overall, they were good.

It’s an interesting business.

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all kindle books were $9.99 in the beginning. thats all they are really worth as you don’t really own them. when the publishers forced amazon to charge more, I quit buying kindle books.

Oh, I realize there are hidden shipping charges.

Then there are coming to the house in their large trucks bringing next to nothing.

Were they? I seem to remember more varied pricing, even in the beginning. Either way, the NYT bestseller thing was definitely the case as I remember reading an article about it. Somebody interviewed an exec from a publishing house and asked them how they felt about Amazon’s ebook pricing, and the exec said “well, they don’t sell our books for $9.99 - we charge them more than that”. The reporter then showed them Amazon’s site where that exact book was $9.99. :slight_smile:

I started with the 2nd gen kindle so maybe I missed the very beginning. I remember never paying more than $9.99 and it was huge deal when Hatchett and the other publishers strong armed amazon into raising the price. they lost my $$ with this move. Im not going license electrons for more than $10

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This was the thread which mentioned MacSparky’s subscription database:

This links to the MacSparky blog but I received a 404 error when I clicked to download:

Someone or @MacSparky might have a copy they could share with you.

I agree but it’s not for me. I was just replying to another post about the whereabouts of the subscriptions database.


I got an error too! Maybe someone has a copy?;o)


That would be terrific! Thanks!!!

Thought I would add my Subscription review process.

I create a Reminder that will pop up 7 days prior to the Subscription renewal date, giving me time to make a decision on whether I will continue or not.

Here is the code, you will need to Create a “Subscriptions” Reminders list.

# Title: Create New Subscription Reminder
# Iain Dunn
# Logic2Design.com
# logic2design@icloud.com
# Inspired by code written by Michael Kummer michaelkummer.com

	set defaultReminderTime to "9"
	# Reminder Name
	display dialog "What is the Subscription you want to be reminded about? 	
 	(leave blank to use clipboard)" default answer ""
	set reminder_title to text returned of result --get input
	# Reminders List	
	set RemindersList to "Subscriptions" as text
	#Follow up Time
	(choose from list {"1 Month", "3 Months", "6 Months", "12 Months", "Custom"} default items "12 Months" OK button name "Create" with prompt "Set follow-up time" with title "Create Reminder")
	set reminderDate to result as text
	# Exit if user clicks Cancel
	if reminderDate is "false" then return
	if reminderDate = "1 Month" then
		set remindMeDate to (current date) + 23 * days
		set time of remindMeDate to 60 * 60 * defaultReminderTime
	else if reminderDate = "3 Months" then
		set remindMeDate to (current date) + 83 * days
		set time of remindMeDate to 60 * 60 * defaultReminderTime
	else if reminderDate = "6 Months" then
		set remindMeDate to (current date) + 173 * days
		set time of remindMeDate to 60 * 60 * defaultReminderTime
	else if reminderDate = "12 Months" then
		set remindMeDate to (current date) + 358 * days
		set time of remindMeDate to 60 * 60 * defaultReminderTime
	else if reminderDate = "Custom" then
		set remindMeDate to (date (text returned of (display dialog (localized string "Enter the due date (e.g. 1/4/2017):") default answer ""))) - 7 * days
		set time of remindMeDate to 60 * 60 * defaultReminderTime
	end if
	# Set Reminders Note
	set dueDate to (short date string of (remindMeDate + 7 * days))
	set reminder_note to "The Subscription will renew on " & dueDate
	# Save Reminder
	tell application "Reminders"
		tell list RemindersList
			set reminder_id to make new reminder with properties {remind me date:remindMeDate, name:reminder_title, body:reminder_note} --create reminder
		end tell
	end tell
	#Error Message	
on error
	display dialog "Oops, something went wrong." --throw an error if something goes wrong
end try

It is beautiful! Thank you!

How do I download it? :wink:

Thanks ever SO much!

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I have SEVENTEEN subscriptions and I avoid them like the Bubonic Plague!!!

Thank you . It looks really great

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I decided to cancel my Mind Node subscription. I’ve tried several times to make mind maps work fo rme. They look pretty but they take far too much time to create and I can’t keep them accurate. I just don’t think that way. After triing several mind mapping tools thinking the issue was with the tool I’ve decided nope, the issue is me. I don’t need a mind mapping tool at all.

I try to avoid subscriptions as much as I can but I STILL have 14 of them!

I never embraced Mind Mapping either. I think the schema works well for things like networking topology or circuit design but the human brain within the limitation of “branches”

I think modern tools are trying a more human centric design of vast interconnections and make sense of the important stuff.


  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • 1 Password
  • Backblaze
  • Parallels
  • Setapp
  • AirMail
  • 1Blocker


  • Apple Music
  • NordVPN

Who did their End of 2022 Review? Here is mine.

AppleOne Premier
FeedWrangler (service died)


Still going:
Apple Music
2TB iCloud Storage
Fiery Feeds
Copy Em
Mullvad VPN
Adobe CC (tried to cancel but they gave me $15.99 deal)
Envato Elements

Did mine in August, went from $88.44 to $62.58 a month.


Name Monthly Cost Yearly Cost
YNAB $8.25 $98.99
Fastmail $4.17 $50.00
1Password $2.99 $35.88
Kagi $10.00 $120.00
Setapp $10.79 $129.48
Minecraft Realm $4.32 $51.84
Backblaze $6.22 $74.62
AAA $9.74 $116.88
Apple One $31.97 $383.64
Total $88.44 $1,061.33


Name Monthly Cost Yearly Cost
Backblaze $6.22 $74.62
1Password $2.99 $35.88
Synology C2 $11.67 $139.98
AAA $9.74 $116.88
Apple One $31.97 $383.64
Total $62.58 $751.00

nice. I need to break down my money spent also… but @MacSparky 's Subscription Database is missing from his post now. :frowning: