Did you know you can scan a doc into Reminders? I didn’t


Wait what? That’s awesome. Another reason to stop using subscription to-do apps. :smile:. I know @Bmosbacker has been moving to default Apple apps. Thanks for sharing this!


I guess it is similar to Apple Notes, but I have not come across a use case to be used in Reminders for myself

How did you figure it out?Just goofing around? Amazing! It can do all sorts of cool things!

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It occurred to me that I was probably not aware of some features in the default apps so I did a little research and stumbled across a statement about attaching images to Reminders so I went into Reminders and “discovered” the add image feature. It is amazing how much can be missed in the apps we already use. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ll add one more “tip” for those who may be interested. In Reminders one can open a separate window(s) for any of the lists. I find this helpful when I want to focus on a project and have another app next to my project todo list. This eliminates the clutter of seeing all of the lists in Reminders.

For example, having a Reminder list opened next to the related note in Apple Notes.

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This is a step closer to implementing one of the potential knockout features Apple could probably implement in their stock apps but hasn’t yet.

Surely there would be some way of populating checklist items from Notes into Reminders directly. If I do some sort of “project” planning with saved PDFs and whatnots in Notes, send the checklist items to Reminders, linked and ready to be checked off and reflect those checks in Notes.

I’m in reminders a lot and never saw this. It is easier to put mtgs/appts in this way than with Fantastical! And they all appear there when you are done! This way I can do better notes for the mtg. Yeah!

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I’m glad it was helpful. :slightly_smiling_face:

This is great! Was going to deep dive into OF but I think I’ll stick with Reminders for now.

And if Apple could just fulfil my dream of back linking (and cross linking, now that I think about it) in Note and Reminders … Tim? TIM??

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That is the main thing I’m missing in these two apps. I can get a link from Notes but it’s clunky. It would be great to be able to create backlinks on the fly [] or with a keyboard shortcut. But, while not perfect, the deep integration between Calendar, Mail, Notes, and Reminders makes the lack of a few features worth dealing with to gain the integration. Perhaps iOS 16? :crossed_fingers:t2:

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