Digital notepad that's *NOT* an iPad ...?

The pens are standard Pilot Frixion pens; the heat from friction erases the ink (sort of; a freezer will restore the ink unless you clean the Rocket Book page with a damp cloth).

…and the pages have a black border with a small icon in the lower corner that makes the app realize where the page begins/ends. If you’ve ever tried scanning something and had the app make a really bad guess as to what was “the page” and what wasn’t, it eliminates that problem.

…which it comes with. The 3x5 notebook even comes with a smaller cloth that’s about the size of the notebook. Very convenient. :slight_smile:


Like the discussion here. Any boogie board users out there care to share their experiences?

Just spent the past 30 minutes looking at the Rocketbook and concluded that the basic design doesn’t jibe with my note taking in that the whole premise is that you check off one or more of the “destination” icons at that bottom of the page and the page is “rocketed” to those destinations (finally got it after looking at website for 30 minutes :person_facepalming:). My problem is I rarely fill up a whole page, as I regularly attend court hearings that might last 10 minutes where I only take a few notes. Maybe the answer is to just buy one of the smaller notebooks. But then I feel like I would spend more time cleaning (albeit smaller) pages, as opposed to if I could just write a dividing line and start a new note in the remaining white space of a large page.

This brings me back to the boogie board, which I saw someone describe as an adult “etch-a-sketch.” It is a good bit more expensive if you use the smart pen than the Rocket notebook (150ish range), and the Rocketbook’s app looks way nicer with a lot more features (eg smart titles, tagging, ocr search of contents, etc), but I do like the idea of hitting a button and erasing the tablet after transfer to the app: something zen about it.

I recently got given a RocketBook, and I’m pleasantly surprised. I use it when interviewing people for jobs, as writing helps me think. I’ll also use it at conferences and events to take notes. So far, the OCR has been accurate, and I like using a real pen and paper.

Cleaning the paper sucks a bit, but it’s not the end of the world.

My biggest gripe is that I need to open my Google Drive and copy the text to DEVONthink. I’m not too fond of that workflow vs sharing to DT in a notes app.