Does this Forum Create Siren Calls?

I like this forum a lot. In fact, it is the only social media I use. I wish most of the Internet were more like this forum.

But is there a downside? Every time I read a post touting this or that app or app feature, I find myself tempted to try it, or try it AGAIN, for no other reason than that the post(s) makes an intriguing argument for “App X” or “feature Y”.

I know I’m not the only one who faces this.

I’m just curious as to what others think and experience.


This is my only social media outlet as well. I have gotten better about not clicking on the topics about new/different software - or HW for that matter.
I tend to click more on the ‘what do you think about X?’ or problem solving ones.
I guess that’s why I’m the only non- Obsidian user on this forum! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You could ask your wife to enable parental restrictions on your use of the App Store! :rofl: :joy: :woozy_face:


Well, I was an Obsidian user but I concluded it was redundant with my use of DT so I use the latter exclusively for my research. I realized I’m not a “linking my thinking” person. Does that make me a bad person? :joy:


I agree. It’s a breath of fresh air compared to most social forums/sites. Which is perhaps why I visit it regularly!

Temptation is real! :slight_smile: ! I am trying to get better! The problem is, I think, that very few people find a task/knowledge management system that meets every need perfectly, so I/we end up wondering if an adjustment to one component of the systems we use will make an improvement. It rarely does!

Yes, but only for a few months until something new comes out :joy:. (I’ve also dropped Obsidian from the mix. Now trialling Agenda again - this time because my job role has changed and is highly calendar driven so I’m justifying it!).

Well, as long as it’s temporary. :joy:

I believe it does. Sorry! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It probably does! Sorry about that. There’s something to the idea that hearing about other software is an opportunity to some, a threat for others, and just interesting industry background noise for the rest–and we’re all co-existing.

One of the nice things about forums like this one that run on Discourse is that I can come in, read the new or updated stuff that interests me then smack the big Dismiss button. :slight_smile:

Downsides, for me, are minimal. I don’t tend to (re)install apps unless I think there’s a likelihood I’ll benefit from doing so. I already have lots of apps here on my Mac, so I’ve been putting some effort into getting full use out of those rather than reaching for a new shiny. Occasionally I’ll remove an app if it’s no longer relevant to me or I’ve outgrown it. And I’m mindful of how much money I’m spending each month, and try to make sure it’s being spent well.

I think it does tempt me, but at other times it’s a great resource for addressing problems.

For example, I have found that if I find myself going into a deep rabbit-hole on a new productivity app, I need to tell myself to step away because I’m likely using that to procrastinate or otherwise avoid a problem.

However, if I’m doing so because my needs have changed and what I have been doing is not longer working, that’s different. Then I can keep researching and trying new things.

Productivity apps and note-taking are where I usually fall into the “siren call” — or, at least, that’s where (for me) the most time is spent and the most damage done. Stepping away is not easy!

Right now, I firmly remind myself that last year revamped my note-taking and did a big survey of all the possibilities and made the best choice for me. So I’ve dedicated the next year or two to focusing on learning that app as thoroughly as I need to, and I’m not allowed to switch or even do a lot of reading about other apps.

The same goes for productivity apps, because there are certain features of my current setup that I simply would hate to lose.

I guess how I handle it is that I’ve identified some of my weakest spots, but try to keep an open mind about other “siren calls” if they aren’t too expensive in time or money!


I too wish the rest of the Internet could be as kind, thoughtful, and helpful as this forum. Sometimes I come here with a question, sometimes I come just to participate in or read through any interesting conversations. I do know what you mean about the siren call though. I feel it myself when reading your posts about your minimalist Reminders/Notes setup! Personally, I try to get rid of as much software as possible, but as my use of computers has evolved over the years, I find that my workflow depends on specialized powertools like OmniFocus and DEVONthink.

I’d love to be the kind of person who can get by with default apps, but they just don’t cut it for the kind of work I do or the workflow I’ve got. So, I don’t really care about Obsidian or Craft or $NewApp a whole lot. I think being a real power user means knowing what tools to use, and knowing the tools you use exhaustively.

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That’s me, specifically task managers and note taking apps, the latter being my bigger quandary. May I ask what you settled on? The one app that most intrigues me is NotePlan but it lacks a couple of features that I consider essential, such as tables, and I struggle with the whole bullet journal orientation of the app. I’ve never been a bullet journaler.

I kinda enjoy the Sirens myself, but don’t allow them to rope me in.

The worst siren of them all is of course Apple, and yes, I often want new stuff more than I actually need new stuff. So, keeping up with this forum is a great way to get honest opinions and actual experiences. That has saved me a lot over the years. Once I find a good set of apps, I rarely tend to wander, so it’s more about finding new apps and utilities for me.

Also, for the recommendations and tech support stuff, we’ve got ourselves a gold mine here.

Nice crowd too :slight_smile:


A hearty amen to that! I know I have certainly been blessed by all of the advice and expertise on this forum.


The older I get the less of an issue this is for me. I like seeing how other people use tools and what insights I can get for my own workflows. I seems to be less enamoured with the new and more interested in learning how to use the tools I have better. Having said that there is the siren call…Stream Deck…I am looking at you, totally unnecessary , but so much fun.


That is not working, unfortunately!
My wife told me, that she don’t wanted to risk a divorce related to that matter… :thinking: :innocent:

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I was in the I.T. game long enough that computers became tools that I still enjoy using but I’m now immune to their song.

I wouldn’t worry about being tempted. At some point if you discover your quest to improve your productivity, is destroying your productivity, you can have your friends tie you to the mast :grinning:


I’m a student so, too broke for apps :stuck_out_tongue:

Joking aside, I find that I’m mostly immune because I’m pretty particular about my software. At the moment, to get me to switch, it has to be local-first, some sort of open format, preferably indie or open source, good cross-platform support between macOS/Windows/iOS, have a really critical feature to my workflow… basically nothing is able to move me off my current workflow.

That’s not to say I’m satisfied with my workflow either (don’t worry I’m still human), but I stick to three options:
a) keep current tool
b) switch to another tool only if it is substantially better and has a feature that I have noticed is lacking in my workflow for some time
c) build my own tool

Trying to bias towards c) as I find that for me, that’s the most sustainably satisfying long-term (and the cheapest).

Downside?! On the contrary, it is one of the reasons I visit!

As someone who has been tricking out my Mac since my 512Ke (any fellow (former) Conflict Catcher users here?) I seek out such siren calls. :slight_smile:

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I’m glad you posted this because I was thinking this the other day. I took a small break from this and the show and was amazed at how settled I am in my ways. Once I did that I was able to appreciate the journey’s of others on their quest to find new things lol.

But what do I know, every sailor thinks they’re immune :joy::joy::joy: